How to Compare Retaining Wall Prices
The expense of constructing a retaining wall can add up quickly if you aren’t careful about certain things. The purpose of this retaining wall is to control erosion and maximize the performance of your retaining wall and fence. Erosion can be prevented by properly building your retaining wall and maintaining it over time. The cost of a retaining wall greatly depends upon the type of material chosen, the height of the retaining wall and how long the retaining wall and fence are going to be. Wood retaining wall costs vary widely while retaining wall bricks are generally quite affordable.
Types of Retaining Walls
A 4′ wooden retaining wall with round holes provides the most flexibility in terms of size and materials. The cost for this type of retaining wall and fence will be more expensive than a concrete retaining wall that’s constructed per linear foot. Wood is also more susceptible to rot in cold weather, but it is much easier to repair. Concrete retaining wall prices will be more expensive per linear foot due to its greater weight and difficulty to transport. For this reason, it is generally advised to choose concrete over wood for steep hillsides where the cost per linear foot is more important than retaining wall price per linear foot.
A retaining wall and fence can be constructed using inexpensive materials such as interlocking stones. Interlocking stones are pre-built in a factory from recycled plastic bottles. These interlocking stones are very affordable and can withstand considerable wear. Because these stones are inexpensive to buy in bulk, they can be used to construct many different sizes of retaining wall and fence. The cost per unit is less than one fourth the cost per linear foot for this type of material.
The actual cost to build a retaining wall and fence will depend on many factors. A few things to consider are the average cost per square foot in your area, the size of the yard you have available for construction, and whether or not you need to include steps at the top of the retaining wall. If you add steps to a retaining wall it can increase the average cost per square foot by approximately fifty per cent. The cost of the actual stones used in the construction will also increase if they are purchased in bulk. The estimated cost per square feet will not take these factors into account. In the case of an inexpensive retaining wall, the actual cost will be less than if you built the retaining wall with standard size concrete blocks.

An example of a retaining wall that is built to a specific standard size and height in a rural area could be constructed using interlocking stone slabs. The cost per square foot would be approximately two dollars for each foot of stone used in the construction. In the case of building a retaining wall on a hillside, the cost per square foot would be approximately five dollars.
Interlocking Blocks
Interlocking blocks are great material for constructing retaining wall systems because of their durability. Interlocking is the process of fitting two or more pieces of wood together that when joined properly, will remain in their place when the weather is cold and/or snowing. The initial cost of building a retaining wall with interlocking blocks would be approximately two thousand dollars. If the initial cost of the project is approximately twenty-five per cent less than purchasing one solid block the project will be cost-effective in the long run. In addition to the cost savings associated with interlocking blocks, the soil density of frost-free soil will allow the retaining wall to be built to specifications for a longer time.
When evaluating retaining wall prices homeowners should also consider the maintenance costs associated with them. Homeowners need to consider not only the periodic costs associated with cleaning the stones, but also the costs associated with hiring a contractor to inspect the retaining wall for possible cracks, breaks, or other damage. Often homeowners will hire an individual to inspect the retaining wall once a year and homeowners are advised to do the same once six months. When comparing costs, it is important to consider the number of years during which the retaining wall will be required to serve as an additional barrier between the ground and the foundation.
When comparing retaining wall prices, homeowners should check with contractors to find out exactly what materials each one requires. A simple Google search will yield pages of information about materials and costs. Homeowners can purchase the materials themselves if they do not have the money available to buy the materials from a contractor, or they can work with a retaining wall contractor who will supply all of the materials and cut the costs down to a per …